Хип-хоп движение

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Up-to-date app which really helps !



IntisTele is a vital program which can find answer for varied requests. The tool helps to transmit SMS effortlessly.

Main part

According to the quick tempo of our life and especially eager to utilise time - a vast majority of people choose bulk texting because this way of communication is the quickest and the most convenient for busy people. This simple and well-known software is created to make men and women to achieve their purposes.

Pros and Cons

Using SMS has a lot of advantages. For example:

Quality and price. It is helpful to know the limit and top up the balance relying on your budget. The quality of send SMS will not be affected.

The expected time of SMS distribution compiles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are located has network coverage).

Department Solutions

Bulk texting is a perfect solution for system administrators. It is a decision for everyone else.

SMS software considered to be a helpful weapon to achieve each marketing aims. For instance:

You are welcome to share notifications concerning new offers. It is possible to personalize each message and build it in original way.

Gaining of statistics thanks to SMS software campaigns.

Bulk texting could be implemented in the department`s everyday routine. Bulk texting could help:

web developers are able to integrate IntisTele API gateway.

By virtue of the function it is possible to deliver multiple  bulk texting, send HRL requests.

Not restricted by time testing access to IntisTele messages software allows debugging your unique software solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Ruby.

IntisTele plugins and widgets were created to smooth integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

SMS commands are good for sysadmins because they can set distant administration and server management.

No need for internet access, as all servers are managed by SMS commands.

Business owners also could systematize their employees' workflow because of this bulk texting program. In addition, there are a lot of solutions which are provided for business men and women.

You can organize your everyday corporate workflow with the help of SMS.

IntisTele service is ready for use for all. On the website you can find recognizable web interface, payment options that matches every pocket and a very captivating affiliate program. With the help of bulk texting software:

Industries and SMS solutions

The bulk texting system solution is suitable for travel. This system gives solution and could be helpful for solving a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for chain stores. With SMS software there is an alternative to set up notifications concerning special sales.

SMS system is available in the beauty industry. It can be applied in gyms.

This bulk texting will tell clients about sales in the beauty sphere.

Bulk texts software is the best solution develop travel and transport actions and make people have the best experience during their journeys.

Bulk texting could be helpful for startups and IT. This application is required for hosting.

Bulk texting warning to provide safety. It could be applied for supplying companies.

Prices for SMS

It is not difficult to top up your balance and choose the amount of money which you can give. IntisTele could offer varied methods of funding the balance. For example, Credit cards.


Application Programming Interface is a program, with the help of which one device is capable of to cooperate with the other computer. The mechanism was invented to mix varied apps in one complex.

With API you are free to request for info by the number

It can be applied to CRM.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Integrate call-to-action into the bulk texting newsletter. The text of SMS should consist of information which will inspire the customer do something. For reaching this result, do not forget to leave a link to the website.

Generate all the basic conditions for customers to come and then you are more likely to gain conversion rates.

Mention your name. It would be better to indicate company name directly at the beginning of the text message. It will lead to needed concentration to your bulk texting and make the message one-of-a-kind. Users will regularly be aware of organization which addresses them.


To send message about services could become the best decision for your business. It will improve your profit. Because of this bulk texts are widely spread among retailers.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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